To make the strengths more concrete to students, Nicki worked with illustrator Paul Trudeau to create characters for each strength so students could make meaning of the strength and make an association with the strength. Students have been overheard saying comments like, “You’re not giving up, just like Rosie” or “I love to invent! I’m like Ivan!”

Illustration by Paul Trudeau
©2022 Brilliant Strengths by Nicki Winter

Rosie the Resilient

Rosie the Resilient demonstrates the strength of “resilience,” which is to keep going even when something is hard, even when you make mistakes and even when you’re afraid.

Illustration by Paul Trudeau 
©2022 Brilliant Strengths by Nicki Winter

Ivan The Innovator

Ivan the Innovator demonstrates the strength of “innovation,” which is to create, invent, and see things in a different way; to “think outside the box.”

Illustration by Paul Trudeau 
©2022 Brilliant Strengths by Nicki Winter

Carl The Connector

Carl the Connector demonstrates the strength of “connecting,” which is to show kindness, to work with others,  communicate well with others.

Copyright ©2022 Brilliant Strengths by Nicki Winter. All Rights Reserved.